Sometimes, when you meet the right person, everything just.. clicks! At least, that’s what happened with Ruairi and Amy. This couple met on Veggly and ever since they met each other, they never looked back. Here’s the full story:
“So Ruairi and I matched on your app the start of January 2022 on the Wednesday… we chatted and swapped numbers and met quite quickly on the Saturday for drinks!! We met again on the Monday for vegan food… and we have been together every weekend ever since. We instantly clicked and it felt like we’d known each other forever… like old friends… but with extra chemistry and attraction 😊 it was so exciting to meet another vegan as it was completely rare for us before using your app… we have been together for over 2 years now and we are due our first baby together at the end of April 🥰”

“I had been vegan for about 7 years before meeting Ruairi and him about a year 😊
We both feel grateful for your app for bringing us together. Ruairi is from Ireland and works all over UK and I live in a wee town outside Glasgow, we would never have met without your app!
We really are a really happy couple though it’s been a dream..proof good things can happen in your 30s
And we can’t wait for a little veggly vegan baby 😋 “
It’s safe to say that their relationship is an inspiration for all and we wish the best Ruairi, Amy and their new baby! It really was a perfect match. These are the kind of stories that Veggly aims to help create.
If you want to tell your story about how you met your partner on Veggly, feel free to contact us via email or Instagram! It’s always a pleasure to read these heartwarming tales.
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I have met an incredible vegan woman on this site. Brett is an absolutely beautiful woman with a social conscience and a vegan diet. I am vegetarian now 59 years, vegan for the last few but now strengthened by this special woman. Never believed that I would meet my special someone, even gave up looking. When Brett contacted me! We have had great dates, so much so I proposed fairly quickly as I knew from the start how special she was. We are separated by a distance and it’s hard for me, set in my ways and working as a plumber to make the room in my small humble home. We are persevering and working on making it work. Her children are such an inspiration as they are great examples of her devotion to them. Both in college with her son being the captain of his tennis team. My dreams have even changed with her in them and inspirational in their clarity. I can not tell you in thousands of words how this has made me whole and grateful for my hard work and commitment to the health of our nation and community that I am a part of. She stands by me and shows her pride of being with me that I have never felt before in just the nicest of ways. For the majority of my life work as a plumber was looked down on and scorned by so many of the women I dated, or tried to date. However a site devoted to our conscious and kind hearts brings us together when no other way throughout my life has. To say it is important that my mate be conscious in diet is an understatement. Since the Vietnam War days the reality of war on your plate, has been the reason to be a true conscientious objector. How can you be against the war for spiritual reasons, if you still are committing murder on your plate? So many of my age group have listened to quack doctors to return to a meat diet. It just has meant to me that they never were conscious to begin with, just pretending and following a fad to capture a good man. All of the true vegetarian woman I knew who understood this kind path in life still are and most still with their original vegetarian partners. Inspirations to me and reason to just keep wishing for thar special someone to find me. Brett is such a good inspiration to me, reinforcing my beliefs and helping me on my bad days when I feel down from the struggles that I have been through. It’s not easy being a lifelong activist, this path has repeatedly shown me how Important it is, still I have lost friends to the violence that the rich and evil are willing to use to keep us from standing up to them. Still it is the right thing to do. Judy Bari with Earth First, all the way back to Malcom X, MLK and the leaders within the gay community such as Harvey Milk. We are a strong community, our strength coming from our choices in diet to activism. As an old adage goes “We walk our Talk”
I have gratitude for your site and am thankful I kept it active until Brett contacted me. We hope to be married soon, we are just still working out the details. Thank you so very much!