At Veggly, we truly cherish the success stories of couples who found love on our app. One inspiring example is Mark and Poppy, who connected during the pandemic and transformed their lives together. They made the journey from bustling city life in London to a serene countryside home, embodying the love and shared values that Veggly promotes. Their heartwarming journey is a perfect representation of what Veggly stands for—bringing vegans together in meaningful ways.

Here’s what they had to say:  

“Hi Veggly,

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the app!

We met on the app during the pandemic. We both went on only one date from the app (to each other). We spoke on Veggly for a while first. Our initial date was nice….but it wasn’t love at first sight and we didn’t actually see each other again until a year later when we met up and suddenly it clicked! We’ve been together ever since and have now moved from London to the countryside, bought a house together, got a rescue dog (and rescue hens), and are getting married next year.

All the best,

Mark and Poppy”

We wish Mark and Poppy all the happiness in the world! Also, their story is a wonderful reminder of the connections that Veggly can help create. If you have your own Veggly love story, we’d love to hear from you. So send us your testimonial and inspire others! Whether you’re at the start of your relationship or building a life together, your story could be the next one we share.

Got your own story to share? Send it to [email protected] so we can feature it here. We’re eager to feature your #OurVegMatch on our page!

Take the opportunity to find your VegMatch or VegFriend and install Veggly now!

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