Dating apps have been growing in popularity in recent years, and the trend is set to continue into 2023. With more people turning to technology to find love, it's no surprise that there are now dating apps catering to specific niches. In this post, we'll take a look...
It’s time to move in together! #OurVegMatch
We are always happy to share the story of couples that meet on Veggly. Today we are here to talk about Mark and Zeynep. The couple, from the US, met a few months ago, and is already living together! Check out their full testimonial: "Hi, there! My partner and I met on...
7 Important Women For the Vegan Movement
The vegan movement has been increasing in recent years as more people become aware of the environmental, health, and ethical implications of animal farming and husbandry. Women have played a crucial role in this movement, advocating for plant-based diets and animal...
Veglentine’s Day Winners
At the end of January, we launched our first Promotion for Veglentine's Day, in which four lucky couples who VegMatched on Veggly would win a romantic dinner. We are happy to announce that the promotion was such a success that we even felt like adding a fifth winning...
The Importance of Veganism for your Health
Agricultural economist Jayson Lusk once led a survey from 2013 to 2017. Here, he found that only about 5% of Americans considered themselves vegan or vegetarian. In 2022, however, that is no longer the case. In another survey, Glynn Tonsor from Kansas State University...
Veggly & abillion team up to create vegan dates across the world on Valentine’s Day
Veggly, the dating app for vegans and vegetarians, has teamed up with abillion to create and offer unique vegan dates for 4 lucky VegMatches across the world. Any Veggly and abillion user that successfully VegMatch between now and the 12th February, will be...
Mateus and Daphne Love Story #OurVeg-Match
May 25, 2021, was not just another "ordinary" day of the pandemic. By the end of it, something beautiful had begun. At around 11 pm, a sequence of events began that was anything but ordinary. I was curious about the Likes I had received in the last 4 months and...
New Year’s Resolutions: Veganism, Exercise, and Other Habits to Try for Wellness
Most New Year's resolutions probably sound overdone by now, especially when we don't necessarily follow through. Reframing your usual resolutions and giving yourself new motivations can help. Vegan New Year resolutions, in particular, aren't just a trend as many...
A great vegan wedding #OurVeg-Match
We have the mission to help people find others with common core values. The love for animals and the environment are some of the principles that the veg community stands for. Veggly creates opportunities for vegans to make new friends and create new relationships and,...
Would Vegans Eat Lab-Grown Meat?
We recently released new figures for a global survey of our 750,000+ users. That reveals the extent of global vegan and vegetarian support for cultured meat. Also known as lab-grown meat and if they are willing to add it to their diet. The results for vegans are as...
Tips for dating vegans
Many people searching for their significant other will eventually come to the realization that dating can be difficult, frustrating, and even downright depressing. It can even make some take a hiatus from romantic pursuits, and dedicate their free time to...
10 Conscious Consumption Tips to Celebrate Green Friday
Today is Black Friday, a day known for incentivizing massive consumption, which is not helpful for the environment. Exacerbated consumption promotes serious environmental consequences, since it generates an excessive exploitation of the planet's natural resources. In...