Vegan & Vegetarian Dating App


The World’s #1
Veggly is the world’s number 1 vegan dating app and helps you in finding your Veg-Love. Veganism is not a diet: it’s a whole set of values that many vegans find a must have in a partner

Join Our Vegan & Vegetarian Community

For vegans and vegetarians, it helps if you know going into it that the other person thinks and eats like you.

You can share meals in peace and have a good time, knowing you agree on the values important to you, such as protecting animals, your health and the planet. 

If you’re looking for herbivorous love, we’re here to help you find the right plant-based match!



Saved Animals


I just want to say how happy I am to have found Veggly. I had enough with dating women who just couldn’t understand my ethical concerns regarding animals. Me being vegan and them being non-vegan was something that became a recurring issue. And working from home as a professional artist didn’t exactly give me many opportunities to meet women, let alone the right women. Therefore, I decided to search for a veg-friendly dating app in hopes of finding a better match. I got an account with Veggly and was happy to know that there were others out there who cared about the things I cared about.

Wil & Nate

“Me and Dario met on Veggly in December 2020. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but we immediately got along so well that our chats were almost endless. Unfortunately, Italy was in lockdown at the time and we lived in two different cities, Trento and Milan, so it was not possible to meet in person. However, we were so aligned on many things and share the same values that our desire to meet was increasingly stronger and in January Dario, with a quiet romantic gesture (and also forced by Covid regulations ), decided to come to my house and didn’t left it for the following months. Since then we always lived together, alternating between our two houses.”

Marta & Dario

“Last year, we got engaged and then we moved together. We got married in January 2022 and are very happy. We are blessed to have each other and a lot of support from our family and friends. We have goals to work on together, and are thankful for the way. The love we share every day is such a gift. The Universe made us meet, and we are thankful that it was through the help of Veggly.”

Maggie & Sam

“I also couldn’t help asking her to join Veggly and accept my superlike; the result was that I got a superlike back! We are very happy together and we have many future plans, including a list of “things we will do together” that grows with our love. We’ll be Veggly’s most romantic couple! “

Mel & Anibal

“The connection we had seemed inevitable, as if it was so easy to get along that it would have taken effort for us not to like one another. Our first date quickly led to many more, and before we knew it we started dating just over a month after matching! We have now been dating a little under a year, and have had what feels like a lifetime of memories.”

Chelsea & Skyler

“Back in 2020 dating life wasn’t the easiest thing in the world for Fabio. Having spent 21 years as a vegetarian (and now fully vegan), Fabio has talked about how difficult dating could be when you’re looking for a vegan partner. According to him, “there’s no special meet up place like a nightclub, so it’s very hard”, which is something just about anyone who uses Veggly could relate to.”

Fabio & Danielle


Highlights from Veggly

“I’ve never had any good experiences with dating apps before but I decided to give Veggly a try. It stood out from the other apps because it was made for the vegan and vegetarian community. It was a much better experience than I could have imagined. I was pleased to see that I already have at least one core value in common with everyone on the app, which is more than what most apps currently have to offer. I’ve met my boyfriend through Veggly so I have them to thank for giving us the chance to meet, for me to fall so hopelessly and madly in love with him. I would definitely recommend Veggly if you are vegan, vegetarian, or plant based. Everyone needs to eat to live and dating is a much better experience when you can agree on something you need to do every day.”

About Us

How can Veggly Help?

Veggly is a free dating app for Vegans and Vegetarians! Find, Veg-Match and chat with veggies near you  and seek out a new relationship in the growing world of plant-based living! Too good to be true? Check out our testimonials to get inspired by people who used Veggly and met their Veg-Matches! Install Now!


Veggly News

Paris 2024: Are Green Goals at Odds with Athletic Needs?

Paris 2024: Are Green Goals at Odds with Athletic Needs?

The Paris 2024 Olympics have set a bold benchmark in sustainability, aiming to become the most eco-friendly Games ever. With a groundbreaking commitment, they have announced that 60% of the food options in the Athletes' Village will be plant-based. This ambitious goal...

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“I had some issues with the app at first but contacted support and they were very quick to help me. After I got my account going again, I started to get some Veg-Matches and now i have seriously found my perfect man – it is unbelievable. We are so in love you have no idea.

The perfect app for vegans. Thanks a lot for this and peace!
Lots of love from Austria”

Veggly Partners

Join us!

Helping vegans and vegetarians connect is the main reason why we created Veggly, and knowing that it works makes us very happy and inspires us to keep going!

We've had over 1 million VegMatches so far. Install Veggly now and find yours too.